Driving home one day I must have been bored or something because I got to thinking about the road and how it stays where it is. Duh! Yep, the path to the grocery store, church, or work is always there for me to take. It may be torn up and changed once in awhile for construction purposes but it still gets me to the location of my choice.
If you think about it the road to Heaven never moves either, it remains the same, the path of the cross of Christ. People may try to move it, tear it up for construction purposes but it is unchangeable and remains the same just as the destination it leads to.
We are the ones who make the mistake of not taking the road we need to take to get where we need to be. We delay the journey of turning our lives over to Jesus in order to have a little “fun” along the way. We figure the destination will never change so we can play first then get where we need to be last.
Never take for granted the roads ahead of you, especially the road to Heaven. Just because the road there is secure and will stay the same doesn’t give us the right to delay asking Jesus into our hearts and lives.
Destination, heaven! Christ secured.
They call me grandma
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