Encouragement to My Grandkids whether adopted by love or acquired by blood

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Here in Central Oregon we call these mountains the three sisters with Mt Bachelor seen to the left of them. The names given the three sisters are Faith, Hope, and Charity. Today I'm going to rename them Marissa, Aubrey, Brooke, and Mt. Bachelor gets the new name of Anthony as I talk about mountains. Mountains not in the form of dirt or clay and trees, but rather the large obstacles that life's issues, adventures, and struggles come in.

In Joshua 14:10-12 As Caleb said when he was 85 years old so I say, “…here I am today, 53 years old. I am still as strong today as the day Penny Penhollow sent me out. I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then. Now give me that mountain (the welling being of my grandchildren) that You promised me when You took upon Your lap my grandchildren.

Lord you were the one that said, “let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. When Jesus had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.” Mt 19:13-15

I am standing by Your promises Lord to never leave nor forsake them. That You are the Father to the fatherless who helps them, does justice for them, defends them and relieves them. These are as much Your children as they are ours. We trust in You and our hearts are helped.

As I stand at the bottom of the mountain waiting for you I promise not to collect gold to make myself an idol or something that stands between You and me. Indeed a collection of “gold” that comes in the form of worrying, impatience, disobedience, and acting on my own. I promise Lord to not walk around and around the mountain following the same behavior that got me nowhere in the first place.

I stand here in the faith You have provided me with to move mountains and shout one more time, “Give me that mountain!”

As everything else in life it's all about our attitude. We can demand something or we can ask for something. We can be bold in our faith or obnoxious in our wants. With the right faith, the correct motive and the power that comes from the Holy Spirit we can move mountains thanks to God. We have to operate within God's will, not our own wants and follow His lead alone.

The key is, "Not our own." What we do should be done through Jesus. What we accomplish should be credited to Him. What we gain is for His glory not our selfish needs. Each of us has that ability to shout, "Give me that mountain." From there as our voices echo in the canyons of life we need to wait patiently for the Lord to either lead us up that mountain in victory or direct us to another mountain where victory can be found.
Ps 121:1-3 “I lift my eyes to the hills where does my help come from, my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber.

They call me grandma

© 2012 Karen J Gillett @ Pencil Marks and Recipes Publishing

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I reside in Oregon, with my husband of 32 years. I'm a mother of one and grandmother of six, counting my two newly adopted grandsons. I teach a women’s Bible Study. In June of 2007 God asked me to take with me the things I had learned in my own Christian walk to help those traveling down similar roads. A journey that started with a head injury in Jr. High School and the epilepsy it was to create later for 7 long years. One day I was given the key to my cure. In order to have the surgery to cure the 10% of my seizures that were truly epileptic I was told I had to get rid of first the 90% that were stress caused. For the next five years I took my stress issues to the Lord, leaning and relying on Him and His word as well as catchy sayings of others to see me through. As peace, obedience to God and giving up bad habits replaced worry, stubbornness and disobedience my stress seizures began to disappear. Finally I qualified for the surgery. The end result after 20 years has been being seizure free and pill free all those years. Praise the Lord. God is the cure. I can be contacted at karijo_fluffy@yahoo.com.