There is a scripture in the Bible that talks about using our mouths to praise the Lord and speak bad of Him at the same time. The two just don’t mix, they don’t go together, and they don’t belong together.
This is true also of how we talk to or about others as well. It’s not good that we use our mouth to ask our parents for all the things we want and then yell at them the next time for not getting it our way.
We need to use our mouths to praise the Lord and our parents as well. To honor them as God tells us to. We may not agree with what God or our parents are doing but we can always find things to be thankful for and praise them.
Things to be thankful for:
The home they furnish us to live in
The electricity that they pay for
The phone they have that you can use
Transportation to and from school and everywhere else
Tiredlessness nights of working extra hours to pay bills and feed their families
The shampoo in the bathroom, the food in the kitchen
The free smile they have for
The comfort they supply when needed
A needed hug to tell you you’re still love when you make mistakes
The advice they handout that often came to them thru hard lessons they are trying to keep you from going through
The treat they bless you with once in awhile no matter how big or small
Showing respect to others is an important characteristic we need to develop. We are without excuse. We can’t blame the kid down the street or the adult at the store for not having it so we don’t need it either. We need to be responsible for our own actions because when we stand before Jesus some day we are the only ones that will be required to answer for the idle, bad, hateful, rude, thoughtless words we once said or for even those we should have said.
We need to turn our big mouths into one that is full of encouraging words of admiration, esteem, admiration for our parents and God instead of the “give me, give me world” we try to live in.
God knows it’s not easy to control the tongue but He knows it is possible. Our tongue is connected to the things we store in our hearts. If we store selfishness, hatred, anger, resentment, and bitterness that is what is going to come out on our tongue.
Take control of your tongue now before it takes control over you. Life isn’t as bad as we make it out to be so stop dwelling on the negative and look for the good. Where would I be today if I continued to dwell on the hatred I had for the girl who caused my epilepsy. I’ll tell you where, I would still be having stress seizures and never would have been declared “not disabled” anymore. My cancer and the pain I feel every hour of the day gives me a target to dwell on the negative of “Why me?” but where does that get me? Only further in pain in my spirit as well as my body.
Stop! Think first. Speak second. Think about what you say before you say it and you’ll be amazed at the stuff you can cut out of your life giving you peace within and a happiness that can’t be bought with money or material things.
Make a list of the good things you have going for you in your life. Yes there are some if you would truly look. Read it frequently when Satan starts to lead you down the path of ungratefulness. Use your tongue to encourage others not as a weapon to hurt.
Good things in my life:
My cancer is in remission
I have a job
I have a family that cares, a husband that supports me thru all my life’s challenges
I love the color of the blue sky with the blanket of green grass underneath it
I can walk and talk on my own
I have free smiles to give away
I am rich not because of money but because of Jesus being in my life
My house isn’t a mansion or a million dollar estate but it keeps me warm and safe and it’s full of love
I have parents who have worked very hard to achieve what they have for me and the family
My daughter is a hardworking woman passing on to her children the blessings a mom has to offer
My grandkids are tucked away in my heart in a warm and caring spot that longs to see them know Jesus as I know Jesus
The list goes on because I keep adding to it, looking for things to put on it. That is what you need to be doing with your big mouth, listing the good and waiting patiently for the bad in your life to get better. Bad times are used to make us grow, to teach us what we need to learn, to get our attention so we will pay attention to our teacher, Jesus Christ. Instead of asking “why me?” use your mouth to ask “What can learn from this?”
Hard times are the classrooms where we learn the most. They are not a weapon to be used to beat someone over the head with wondering why they put us through what they did, or why didn’t they do this or that for us….why….why….why?
Nope, we need to change our why to what. Our out of control mouth to a controlled tongue. An ungrateful heart to a thankful heart. Do this and you’ll be way ahead of a lot of adults and you will find a peace in your spirit that is awesome and long-lasting.
They Call Me, Grandma
*This site is for kids of all ages as well as their parents. Whether you can read on your own or need your parent to read it for you, sit down and talk about the things that are being said. Listen to the Lord as you speak to your kids as well as parents.
Encouragement to My Grandkids whether adopted by love or acquired by blood
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About Me

- Karen
- I reside in Oregon, with my husband of 32 years. I'm a mother of one and grandmother of six, counting my two newly adopted grandsons. I teach a women’s Bible Study. In June of 2007 God asked me to take with me the things I had learned in my own Christian walk to help those traveling down similar roads. A journey that started with a head injury in Jr. High School and the epilepsy it was to create later for 7 long years. One day I was given the key to my cure. In order to have the surgery to cure the 10% of my seizures that were truly epileptic I was told I had to get rid of first the 90% that were stress caused. For the next five years I took my stress issues to the Lord, leaning and relying on Him and His word as well as catchy sayings of others to see me through. As peace, obedience to God and giving up bad habits replaced worry, stubbornness and disobedience my stress seizures began to disappear. Finally I qualified for the surgery. The end result after 20 years has been being seizure free and pill free all those years. Praise the Lord. God is the cure. I can be contacted at
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