Looking at these two young characters I can see why God tells us we need to become like little children to be saved. These two in their young years haven't learned how to mistrust yet, they play as if they enjoy life, they don't know the meaning of drama yet. They are innocent in their political views, and they easily believe what they are told. They haven't yet decided they can do what they want with their bodies in spite of the consequences of it.
God wants us to come to Him as little kids such as these. People who haven’t learned how to mistrust yet, who live as if they enjoy the life God has given them, who are free from the influences and need for drama in their lives. People who are innocent in their views of life, who easily believe and accept what God tells us in His Bible. People who are willing to use their body as God’s holy temple instead of something they can destroy at their own will.
Indeed people who know how to follow and are willing to hold on to the hand that will lead them through life, the hand of Jesus Christ. All it takes is a little faith and the willingness to think of someone other than yourself. The Bible is our map, Jesus is our guide, the road to heaven is narrow but we can make the journey thanks to the Light of Jesus.
Come. Come today as a little child ready to accept Christ, willing to travel on a journey that beats all journeys.
They Call Me, Grandma
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