It’s important that whether we are young or old we need to make
up our minds we are going to live our lives intentionally. That means to make
choices and do things on purpose without leaving everything up to chance. When
we do this we have better control over our future. Much better than being like
a boat without a rudder or in the case of this picture a "dock" from
Japan floating around to wash upon some random shore.
We need to want to go somewhere instead of always being a drift
just to see where the waves of life will take us. To some people they think it
sounds exciting to just randomly go out in life and see where fate takes them.
In some cases that kind of action has worked for some people but the chances are
very small.
Nope, the best place to start in life is deciding to have a
purpose in mind for how we want to live it. That purpose may change
occasionally as we explore new avenues but that’s okay. There are plenty of
things in life that will throw you off your course due to an illness or
accident or something. However, when it happens you take control again and start
moving forward toward new goals and revised plans.
In our relationship with Jesus and others we need to live that
same intentional life. Indeed a life that never leaves a relationship with the
Lord and others up to chance but choosing to have a purpose in it. Our
relationships are exactly what we ourselves put in to them. They weren’t meant
to be there for our convenience and gone when we don't want to deal with them.
Once again the best way to deal with anything in life is to do
it intentionally. Deliberately done in a way that clearly reflects more of
Jesus in our choices and less of what we want for ourselves. When we do this we
will go further and accomplish more toward something that will last forever.
Praise the Lord we don’t have to live our life a drift when we
travel with Jesus.
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