Encouragement to My Grandkids whether adopted by love or acquired by blood

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Every hour on the hour prayer 12:00 midnight

Midnight hour prayer: pray for repentance and to be idol free.

Years ago when my oldest granddaughter hit her teens I made a list not only for her but her siblings too. Well I guess I would have to say the list was for me for them as I picked out things to pray for them around the clock. 

For the lack of a better place to start I started at midnight. I realize my clock in this picture is a little off schedule. I was asleep at that time and just woke up at 2:29 am and wanted to pray for my grand kids this every hour on the hour prayer. So, backing up the clock not only one hour I went back two and began at midnight praying for the grand kids. 

Midnight. A good place to start with our Christian walk is to repent. To repent is to not only to confess our sins but to turn from them and change our ways. This is not a one time thing, we are baptized and then we are done with it sort of a thing. 

As many times as people get into sin, big or small this is something that needs to be done on a daily basis. After all, have you only had to say sorry to your parents once in your lifetime and you were done with it never having to say it again. My guess is never. That you've had to say you were sorry multiple times. I am over fifty right now and I have found myself still repenting and having to change my ways on some situations. 

As much as we would like to think we can master this being human being thing by the age of 18 it doesn't work that way. It a learning process that will take our entire life time of humbling ourselves, admitting when we were wrong and doing our best to change what needs to be changed. 

The things in life called idols that stand in our way of a good relationship with God need to go. Recognizing these things is a good first step and repenting from this wrongful behavior is the place to start. 

When we do we will find our day starts much better and it ends well also. 

They call me,


Copyright 2013 Karen Gillett @ pencil marks and recipes publishing

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I reside in Oregon, with my husband of 32 years. I'm a mother of one and grandmother of six, counting my two newly adopted grandsons. I teach a women’s Bible Study. In June of 2007 God asked me to take with me the things I had learned in my own Christian walk to help those traveling down similar roads. A journey that started with a head injury in Jr. High School and the epilepsy it was to create later for 7 long years. One day I was given the key to my cure. In order to have the surgery to cure the 10% of my seizures that were truly epileptic I was told I had to get rid of first the 90% that were stress caused. For the next five years I took my stress issues to the Lord, leaning and relying on Him and His word as well as catchy sayings of others to see me through. As peace, obedience to God and giving up bad habits replaced worry, stubbornness and disobedience my stress seizures began to disappear. Finally I qualified for the surgery. The end result after 20 years has been being seizure free and pill free all those years. Praise the Lord. God is the cure. I can be contacted at karijo_fluffy@yahoo.com.