Encouragement to My Grandkids whether adopted by love or acquired by blood

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Not Worth It

The indoor arena was lit up and excitement was already in the air. It was an enthusiasm that even was felt in the long line we had to wait in to enter the arena. Finally positioned in our seats the lights were turned down as the anticipation level grew as people waited the arrival of the bands scheduled to perform.


At last the moment we were all waiting for came as the sound of the music rocked the place. As I stood and sat and stood again clapping along with the crowd to the beat of the music it made me think about what Heaven was going to be like. The excitement in the stadium as everyone sang along with the bands was outstanding. The joy of the Lord could be felt bouncing off the walls and each spirit there. If this is what it felt like on earth I could only imagine what the real stuff was going to be like praising God for all eternity.

As I pondered more on Heaven and the joy and excitement that will come with it I thought to myself, “there is not a sin out there that is worth going to hell over” and missing all this joy in the Lord. The lie we told, the jewelry we stole, the hatred we harbored in our lives, the thrill of drugs, the satisfaction of revenge, the temporary fulfillment of things that separate us from God or not trusting in the Lord as we take matters into our own hands will not be worth being separated from our Lord.

Too often people think the excitement will be outside the gates of Heaven not inside but that is far from the truth. Booming music, people laughing and praising God in loud voices are all things that are far worth it than the pain and suffering that will be going on outside of Heaven within the torments of Hell.


It’s important that we stop listening to the lies of Satan who tells us our sins are worth it. It was him that convinced Eve it was worth it for her to eat the forbidden fruit, and it was worth it for Cain to get his revenge on his brother Abel. Wrong.


Temporary enjoyment or fulfillment of some emotion we are feeling will never be worth it in the long run if it separates us from God. We need to make the decision now which we would rather do. Would we rather sing praises to God for all eternity in an area full of the excitement and joy that was in that concert arena or live it out in a continuation of earth’s pain and suffering magnified in greater numbers outside of Heaven.


I choose Heaven and its joy, I choose repentance and telling God sorry on a day-to-day basis for all I have done and often continue to do. I choose to turn my life around now while I can for the excitement and thrill and joys of heaven.


Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord. Indeed there is not a sin worth it when it comes to keeping us away from spending eternity in the joys of Heaven. The excitement I feel standing in the long waiting line waiting to get in is worth it when it comes to living out the joys of the Lord, in the Heaven He prepared for those who choose to go.


Streets of gold or a lake of fire the choice is ours and it’s made thru our actions, attitudes, and choices here on earth, the waiting line to eternity.

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I reside in Oregon, with my husband of 32 years. I'm a mother of one and grandmother of six, counting my two newly adopted grandsons. I teach a women’s Bible Study. In June of 2007 God asked me to take with me the things I had learned in my own Christian walk to help those traveling down similar roads. A journey that started with a head injury in Jr. High School and the epilepsy it was to create later for 7 long years. One day I was given the key to my cure. In order to have the surgery to cure the 10% of my seizures that were truly epileptic I was told I had to get rid of first the 90% that were stress caused. For the next five years I took my stress issues to the Lord, leaning and relying on Him and His word as well as catchy sayings of others to see me through. As peace, obedience to God and giving up bad habits replaced worry, stubbornness and disobedience my stress seizures began to disappear. Finally I qualified for the surgery. The end result after 20 years has been being seizure free and pill free all those years. Praise the Lord. God is the cure. I can be contacted at karijo_fluffy@yahoo.com.