Encouragement to My Grandkids whether adopted by love or acquired by blood

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

An Appointment Time with God

Well kids you missed a good sermon from our youth pastor this last Sunday. He was talking about the sacred space where we go to make an appointment with God and spend time with Him. It can be in the bedroom, out in the barn, down at the local shopping mall, in the front yard or anywhere we happen to be. It’s a place where we take the time to talk to God, get to know Him, feel His presence.


If you think about it it’s like going down to the local mall to mix and mingle with your friends. That is what we are to do with God as we go to Him to do the same. It’s a time in which we get to know Him as He gets to know us.


After all God is real, He wants us to lean in to Him. He has a personality, someone who at this very moment loves, you. Yes you, the boy in trouble at school, the girl who feels rejected by the world, the basketball player, the smart computer wiz, the shy person in the corner, everyone.


Our part is to make an appointment with God every day to meet up with Him. We seem to do well when we have an appointment with a teacher, our parents, the doctor’s, the volleyball coach, and our favorite show on TV we want to watch. We need to treat God no differently as we do everything we can to make it to our appointment on time each day.


Pick a place to do it, a place quiet and comfortable, any place possible even if it has to be in the bathroom of your home or the dirty garage. Sit down and picture God sitting across from you in another chair. Look at Him as if He was sitting there and start talking. No, you won’t hear actual verbal remarks from Him but trust me He will speak to your heart if you are willing to listen. Read from the Bible, ask questions about things you don’t understand, tell Him your frustrations, and share with Him your latest adventures and joys.


Take it straight from your heart to the heart of God and He will do the same back to you. Don’t be disappointed if you think He’s not listening because He really is. He is there, His presence is every where. Often we think God has moved away from us but it’s not God who moves away but us through the choices we make and the attitudes we keep.


No, we shouldn’t need bright lights to know God is there, we don’t need an angel introducing His arrival. All we need is our heart open to His. A heart open and allowing His presence to come in, with an invitation for it to stay.


Don’ delay; make an appointment with God today. Lean in to Him, He is real.


© 2013 Karen J. Gillett @ Pencil Marks and Recipes Publishing

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I reside in Oregon, with my husband of 32 years. I'm a mother of one and grandmother of six, counting my two newly adopted grandsons. I teach a women’s Bible Study. In June of 2007 God asked me to take with me the things I had learned in my own Christian walk to help those traveling down similar roads. A journey that started with a head injury in Jr. High School and the epilepsy it was to create later for 7 long years. One day I was given the key to my cure. In order to have the surgery to cure the 10% of my seizures that were truly epileptic I was told I had to get rid of first the 90% that were stress caused. For the next five years I took my stress issues to the Lord, leaning and relying on Him and His word as well as catchy sayings of others to see me through. As peace, obedience to God and giving up bad habits replaced worry, stubbornness and disobedience my stress seizures began to disappear. Finally I qualified for the surgery. The end result after 20 years has been being seizure free and pill free all those years. Praise the Lord. God is the cure. I can be contacted at karijo_fluffy@yahoo.com.